
Picture of North Park Seminary Cupola in Chicago

Seminary Academics

A survey of the essentials of biblical Greek. The focus is on basic grammar, vocabulary, and the development of reading skills. Course is only graded pass/fail.

A survey of the essentials of biblical Greek. The focus is on basic grammar, vocabulary, and the development of reading skills. Course is only graded pass/fail.

A survey of the essentials of biblical Greek. The focus is on basic grammar, vocabulary, and the development of reading skills. Course is only graded pass/fail.

Attention will be given to the procedures and tools used in the exegetical process, textual criticism, translation, New Testament Greek syntax, theological implications, and application to ministry. Experience will be gained through the exegesis of a New Testament book.

The course is designed to increase the facility of students to read and translate New Testament Greek. Course is only graded pass/fail.

This course will cover Genesis-Deuteronomy as well as an overview of the landscape of hermeneutical methods used in interpreting the Old Testament. The approach to the five books is both canonical and historical, so it covers theology of the texts as well as their most prominent interpretive settings in Israel's history. Includes: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and hermeneutics.

This course will include the prophetic corpus as well as the various prophetic settings in Kings. Historically it will cover the prophetic preaching from the divided kingdom through the Persian Second Temple restoration. Includes: 1 and 2 Kings; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah and Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.

This course will explore the poetic traditions of psalms and wisdom, beginning with Israel's origins and continuing through the united monarchy, exile, and return. The course will also include an introduction to Hebrew language, concepts, and digital tools. Includes: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel; Job, Psalms, and Proverbs, Songs, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Ezra-Nehemiah, 1 and 2 Chronicles, and Hebrew language.

This course explores the interpretation, context, and content of the New Testament. Attention is given to the nature of the New Testament as Scripture and to fundamental hermeneutical issues, with a focus on historical criticism as a basis for theological interpretation. The political, social, and religious worlds of Second Temple Judaism and of Greco-Roman society are described as a framework for studying Matthew through Revelation. The content of selected books from each of the genres and historical phases of the New Testament is examined, and important theological themes running across the canon are introduced (e.g. Christology, eschatology). Particular emphasis is placed on engagement with texts in their historical contexts and the development of basic exegetical skills.

This course explores further the interpretation, context, and content of the New Testament, with particular emphasis on the theology of New Testament texts and their contemporary relevance. Theological themes running across the canon which were introduced in NT1 are explored in greater detail, including the historical Jesus, Christology, soteriology, ecclesiology, ethics and eschatology. The portrayals of Jesus in the Gospels will be critically engaged as a means of deepening historical and theological understanding of his life and teaching. The letters of Paul and their theology will be analyzed and their significance for presenting the gospel assessed. The study of Acts and selected other New Testament texts will prompt critical reflection upon the nature of the church and its participation in mission. Particular emphasis is placed on developing the skills for historically and theologically informed exegesis from a canonical perspective.

This course is survey of the essentials of biblical Hebrew including basic grammar concepts and the strong verb. A special emphasis is placed on building vocabulary. Course is only graded pass/fail.

This course continues to introduce the student to grammar and vocabulary through the translation of the Old Testament from Hebrew. It seeks to provide a beginning knowledge of the exegetical task and the tools to achieve it. Special emphasis is given to understanding Hebrew syntax, literary techniques for interpretation, and use of exegetical resources. The goal is to prepare students to do exegesis as part of the teaching and preaching ministries of a local pastor. Course is only graded pass/fail.

In this course, students translate and discuss selected texts from the Hebrew Bible in order to enhance their facility with the Hebrew language. Course is only graded pass/fail.

A survey of the essentials of biblical Hebrew. The focus is on basic grammar, vocabulary, and the development of reading skills. Course is only graded pass/fail.

This course explores the doctrine of Scripture, and significant approaches to its interpretation, in order to enrich biblical preaching and teaching.

This course concerns the place and authority of the Ten Commandments as Christian Scripture, including a survey of the major traditions of interpreting the Decalogue, its role in the formation of Christian faith and Christian theology, and its place in the ongoing life of the church. It will give attention to the commandments in their cultural, canonical, theological and ethical contexts and as a text meant to form the faith, hope and love of the people of God.

Attention to hermeneutical issues and to both ancient and modern literary discussions of parables provides the framework for understanding the parables of Jesus. Most of the course focuses on analysis of individual parables and their proclamation in the church.

This course examines the dominant themes and perspectives of Paul's gospel including, but not limited to, his understanding of sin, the person and work of Christ, salvation, the church, and the ethical demands of the Christian life. Special attention will be given to how Paul's theology informs the work of the church today as it addresses contemporary issues and challenges.

This interdisciplinary course will examine the dominant themes and perspectives on health and healing found in the Bible. An understanding of health, healing, and disease within the cultural, historical, and linguistic context of Scripture will be studied, as well as biblical perspectives on individual and community dimensions of health. Our contemporary understandings and practice of health and healing will be examined in light of these biblical perspectives.

An analysis of the eschatology of both testaments and a treatment of the crucial texts and theological themes. The course offers instruction on such themes as judgment and salvation, heaven and hell, and realized and future eschatology. Attention is also given to the development of eschatology in the Bible and to various modern attempts to explain eschatology.

This course seeks to develop a biblical and theological understanding of the divinely intended relationship of male and female, gender and ministry, headship and submission, leadership and theology, and God and gender. It pays particular attention to major interpretive issues and their relevance for leadership and ministry roles today.

The course interprets select biblical texts from the Old and New Testament with an appreciation for how African-American, Asian-American, Latin-American, and other ethnic-American scholars hear these same texts from their respective cultural locations and social histories. Special attention is given to exegetical method, theological reflection, and cultural hermeneutics.

An in-depth exegetical treatment of the book of Exodus in its ancient Near Eastern and canonical contexts with special focus on its unique combination of narrative and legal genres, main theological themes, and role in the Pentateuch. The course also traces the important echoes of Exodus in the Old and New Testaments and its contribution to biblical theology.

An inductive study of the literary form, cultural background, and theological perspective of selected psalms. The course suggests how psalms might be used in public and private worship.

This course involves reading the book of Isaiah and its various interpretations. It seeks to provide knowledge of the over-arching content (events, characters, themes) and original cultural and historical settings. Attention will be given to literary genres, critical issues, and inter-biblical interpretations as they aid the interpretation of Isaiah's text. The goal is to prepare students to appreciate, interpret, and teach from Isaiah in ministries of the church.

This course surveys the book of Jeremiah, the legacy of the prophet who interpreted the momentous events of Judah's last three decades and laid the theological foundations for its future. Discussion considers the book's historical background, composition, literary nature, and message. The course focuses primarily on inductive study of sample passages and their implications for Christian living and ministry today.

In this course the student will examine the life and teaching of Jesus as distinctively presented by the Gospel writer. The book will be studied from the standpoint of literature, history, theology, and its relevance to the life of the church.

This course is an examination of John's distinctive presentation of the life and teaching of Jesus. The focus will be on Jesus' interaction with individuals and groups of diverse religious, economic, social, political, and educational backgrounds. The course will explore theological and practical implications for the church today.

The focus of this course is on the purpose, argument, and theology of this important letter. Crucial matters in Christian theology are treated, especially the understanding of salvation, the meaning of faith, the understanding of sin, the role of the law, and the place of Israel.

Throughout the history of the church Paul's letters have been crucial texts for those attempting to answer the question "What is the gospel?" This class explores some classic answers, examining both the impact upon them of their context and their own subsequent influence. Their significance for our own attempts to express the gospel is also considered.

This course explores the types of problems that a typical first century church faced in relating Christianity to the society in which they lived. Attention will be given to principles and guidelines for tackling similar issues for the church today.

The analysis of these two closely related letters focuses on their teaching about Christology, salvation, life in Christ, and the church.

This course treats the letters of 1 and 2 Peter, paying primary attention to 1 Peter, its character as a letter, its use of the Old Testament and traditional material, and its relevance for the life of the church.

This course is an exegetical study of the New Testament Apocalypse of John. Attention is given to issues of genre, socio-historical setting, purpose, cultural-religious contexts, and the variety of interpretations of Revelation in the church.

Students will practice moving from biblical text to sermon with a focus on a selected book of the Bible. Issues related to preaching from biblical genres (ancestral narrative, wisdom poetry, prophecy) will be discussed. Topics include: the story of Joseph and his family, Proverbs, and Jeremiah. Prerequisite: Preaching the Word or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with MNST 7160.

This course is held in conjunction with the annual North Park Symposium on the Theological Interpretation of Scripture and deals with the topic of the symposium for that year. Students are required to attend all sessions of the Symposium as well as scheduled class sessions.

This open category allows periodic focus on various special topics in biblical studies.

These courses are offered by Young Life and given graduate credit through North Park Theological Seminary.

These courses are offered by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and given graduate credit through North Park Theological Seminary.

An opportunity for students to explore a topic of interest outside the regular curriculum. Instructor's permission requred. Submission of course proposal/syllabus to the Dean of Faculty is required.